Package: raveio

raveio: File-System Toolbox for RAVE Project

Includes multiple cross-platform read/write interfaces for 'RAVE' project. 'RAVE' stands for "R analysis and visualization of human intracranial electroencephalography data". The whole project aims at providing powerful free-source package that analyze brain recordings from patients with electrodes placed on the cortical surface or inserted into the brain. 'raveio' as part of this project provides tools to read/write neurophysiology data from/to 'RAVE' file structure, as well as several popular formats including 'EDF(+)', 'Matlab', 'BIDS-iEEG', and 'HDF5', etc. Documentation and examples about 'RAVE' project are provided at <>, and the paper by John F. Magnotti, Zhengjia Wang, Michael S. Beauchamp (2020) <doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117341>. For applications such as electrode localization, please check Zhengjia Wang, John F. Magnotti, Xiang Zhang, Michael S. Beauchamp (2023) <doi:10.1523/ENEURO.0328-23.2023>, or see 'citation("raveio")' for details.

Authors:Zhengjia Wang [aut, cre], John Magnotti [aut], Michael Beauchamp [aut], University of Pennsylvania [cph]

raveio.pdf |raveio.html
raveio/json (API)

# Install 'raveio' in R:
install.packages('raveio', repos = c('', ''))

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Doc / VignettesOKMar 13 2025
R-4.5-winOKMar 13 2025
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R-4.5-linuxOKMar 13 2025
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R-4.4-macOKMar 13 2025
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R-4.3-winOKMar 13 2025
R-4.3-macOKMar 13 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Register 'CT' or 'MR' images via ''ANTs''ants_coreg ants_morph_electrode ants_mri_to_template cmd_run_ants_coreg cmd_run_ants_mri_to_template
Process 'T1' weighted 'MRI' using ''ANTs''ants_preprocessing
Archive and share a subjectarchive_subject
Convert character to 'RAVEProject' instanceas_rave_project
Get 'RAVESubject' instance from characteras_rave_subject
Convert numeric number into print-friendly formatas_rave_unit
Create a 'YAEL' imaging processing instanceas_yael_process
Back up and rename the file or directorybackup_file
Class definition to load data from 'BlackRock' 'Micro-systems' filesBlackrockFile
Manipulate cached data on the file systemscache_path cache_root clear_cached_files
Generate and automatically cache a file arraycache_to_filearray
Print colored messagescatgl
External shell commands for 'RAVE'cmd-external cmd_execute cmd_run_3dAllineate cmd_run_dcm2niix cmd_run_flirt cmd_run_r cmd_run_recon_all cmd_run_recon_all_clinical
Process brain images for ''YAEL''cmd_run_yael_preprocess yael_preprocess
Collapse power array with given analysis cubescollapse_power collapse_power.array collapse_power.FileArray
Collapse high-dimensional tensor arraycollapse2 collapse2.array collapse2.FileArray collapse2.Tensor
Compose a "phantom" channel from existing electrodescompose_channel
Convert 'BlackRock' 'NEV/NSx' filesconvert_blackrock
Convert electrode tableconvert_electrode_table_to_bids
Convert 'fst' files to other formatsconvert-fst convert_fst_to_csv convert_fst_to_hdf5
Force creating directory with checksdir_create2
'iEEG/ECoG' Tensor class inherit from 'Tensor'ECoGTensor
Export data frame to different common formatsexport_table import_table
Try to find path along the root directoryfind_path
Generate common average reference signal for 'RAVE' subjectsgenerate_reference
Get all possible projects in 'RAVE' directoryget_projects
Get value or return default if invalidget_val2
Returns all names contained in 'HDF5' fileh5_names
Check whether a 'HDF5' file can be opened for read/writeh5_valid
Import electrode table into subject meta folderimport_electrode_table
Ingest signals according to 'RAVE' repository epochingest_regressor
Install 'RAVE' modulesinstall_modules
Install a subject from the internet, a zip file or a directoryinstall_subject
Check if current session is on 'CRAN'is_on_cran
Check if data is close to ``valid"is_valid_ish
Check If Input Has Blank Stringis.blank
Check If Input Has Zero Lengthis.zerolenth
Join Multiple Tensors into One Tensorjoin_tensors
Run 'lapply' in parallellapply_async
R6 Class to Load 'fst' FilesLazyFST
Definitions of electrode with 'LFP' signal typeLFP_electrode
Definitions of reference with 'LFP' signal typeLFP_reference
Read in description files from 'BIDS-iEEG' formatload_bids_ieeg_header
Function try to load 'fst' arrays, if not found, read 'HDF5' arraysload_fst_or_h5
Lazy Load 'HDF5' File via 'io_read_h5'load_h5
Load 'RAVE' subject meta dataload_meta2
A port to 'read_yaml'load_yaml
Convert 'FreeSurfer' ''mgh'' to 'Nifti'mgh_to_nii
Add new 'RAVE' (2.0) module to current projectmodule_add
'RAVE' module registryadd_module_registry get_modules_registries get_module_description module_registry module_registry2
Create new electrode channel instance or a reference signal instancenew_electrode new_reference
Register 'CT' to 'MR' images via ''NiftyReg''cmd_run_niftyreg_coreg niftyreg_coreg
Creates 'RAVE' pipeline instancepipeline pipeline_from_path
Combine and execute pipelinespipeline_collection
Install 'RAVE' pipelinespipeline_install pipeline_install_github pipeline_install_local
Get or change pipeline input parameter settingspipeline_settings_get pipeline_settings_get_set pipeline_settings_set
Configure ''rmarkdown'' files to build 'RAVE' pipelinesconfigure_knitr pipeline-knitr-markdown pipeline_setup_rmd
Connect and schedule pipelinesPipelineCollections
Pipeline result objectPipelineResult
Class definition for pipeline toolsPipelineTools
Calculate power baselinepower_baseline power_baseline.array power_baseline.ECoGTensor power_baseline.FileArray power_baseline.rave_prepare_power
Prepare 'RAVE' single-subject dataprepare_subject_bare prepare_subject_bare0 prepare_subject_phase prepare_subject_power prepare_subject_raw_voltage_with_epoch prepare_subject_voltage_with_epoch prepare_subject_wavelet prepare_subject_with_blocks prepare_subject_with_epoch rave-prepare
Enhanced progress with logger messageprogress_with_logger
Register 'CT' to 'MR' images via ''nipy'' scriptcmd_run_nipy_coreg py_nipy_coreg
Load 'FreeSurfer' or 'AFNI/SUMA' brain from 'RAVE'rave_brain
Find and execute external command-line toolscmd_afni_home cmd_dcm2niix cmd_freesurfer_home cmd_fsl_home cmd_homebrew is_dry_run normalize_commandline_path rave_command_line_path
Returns a list of 'RAVE' directoriesrave_directories
Export 'RAVE' datarave_export rave_export.default rave_export.rave_prepare_power rave_export.rave_prepare_subject_raw_voltage_with_epoch rave_export.rave_prepare_subject_voltage_with_epoch
Import data into 'rave' projectsrave_import
Compatibility support for 'RAVE' 1.0 formatrave_subject_format_conversion
'RAVE' pipeline functionsload_targets pipeline_attach pipeline_build pipeline_clean pipeline_create_subject_pipeline pipeline_create_template pipeline_debug pipeline_dep_targets pipeline_description pipeline_eval pipeline_find pipeline_fork pipeline_get_preferences pipeline_hasname pipeline_has_preferences pipeline_list pipeline_load_extdata pipeline_progress pipeline_read pipeline_root pipeline_run pipeline_run_bare pipeline_save_extdata pipeline_set_preferences pipeline_shared pipeline_target_names pipeline_vartable pipeline_visualize pipeline_watch rave-pipeline
Validate raw files in 'rave' directoryIMPORT_FORMATS rave-raw-validation validate_raw_file
Install and configure 'RAVE' server as background service using shiny-serverrave-server rave_server_configure rave_server_install
'RAVE' code snippetsinstall_snippet load_snippet rave-snippet update_local_snippet
Abstract definition of electrode class in RAVERAVEAbstarctElectrode
Definition for epoch classRAVEEpoch
Set/Get 'raveio' optionraveio-option raveio_confpath raveio_getopt raveio_resetopt raveio_setopt
Defines 'RAVE' subject class for meta analysesRAVEMetaSubject
Defines preprocess configurationsRAVEPreprocessSettings
Definition for 'RAVE' project classRAVEProject
Defines 'RAVE' subject classRAVESubject
Read comma separated value file and ignore headersread_csv_ieeg
Read 'EDF(+)' or 'BDF(+)' file headersread_edf_header
Read 'EDF(+)' or 'BDF(+)' file signalsread_edf_signal
Read 'Matlab' filesread_mat read_mat2
Read 'BlackRock' event and signal filesread_nsx_nev
Load from 'BrainVision' fileread-brainvision-eeg read_eeg_data read_eeg_header read_eeg_marker
Read a 'fst' fileload_fst read-write-fst save_fst
Read comma separated value files with given column classessafe_read_csv
Save data to comma separated value files with backupssafe_write_csv
Save objects to 'HDF5' file without trivial checkssave_h5
Save or load R object in 'JSON' formatload_json save_json
Function to save meta data to 'RAVE' subjectsave_meta2
Write named list to filesave_yaml
R6 Class for large Tensor (Array) in Hybrid ModeTensor
Simple hard disk speed testtest_hdspeed
Calculate time difference in secondstime_diff2
Calculate template 'MNI' coordinates for points on native braintransform_point_to_template transform_thinfilm_to_mni152
Get 'Neurosynth' website address using 'MNI152' coordinatesurl_neurosynth
Validate subject data integrityvalidate_subject
Validate time windows to be usedvalidate_time_window
Calculate voltage baselinevoltage_baseline voltage_baseline.array voltage_baseline.FileArray voltage_baseline.rave_prepare_subject_raw_voltage_with_epoch voltage_baseline.rave_prepare_subject_voltage_with_epoch
Enable parallel computing provided by 'future' package within the contextwith_future_parallel
Class definition of ''YAEL'' image pipelineYAELProcess